I have my existing application, I want to migrate these application to iPhone 5 resolution as well, I tried lot of links regarding these problem, I haven't get clear idea about actually to migrate the application, Please give the idea, regarding these problem. I referred following link as well but haven't get clear idea about these problem.... How to develop or migrate apps for iPhone 5 screen resolution? From above link I done with splash screen, but the remaining nib ui height not proper, in some screen, above will get more space and in some below space is more, SO how to solve these prob, please help me.
Are you going to support iOS 5 or earlier? If not, I recommend learning about Autolayout. With this feature, you can set up constraints that will ensure layouts between the devices appear similar (with just a little more room for your views).
First, read this to learn about the recommended usability recommendations for different devices (scroll down to the "Running on iPhone 5" section): http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/userexperience/conceptual/mobilehig/TranslateApp/TranslateApp.html
Then, for Autolayout check out this WWDC video: Introduction to Auto Layout for iOS and OS X