I'm looking for some sample code on how to use this correctly with a TextView
the only thing I found in my Google searching was this test unit for the TextUtils class.
some guidance will be much appreciated.
I looked over the answer I got here and tried to implement it on my code. I used this code snippet:
TextView title = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.listitemThreadsTitle);
TextPaint p = title.getPaint();
String strTitle = "Moe, Joe, Isaac, Bethany, Cornelius, Charlie";
float avail = p.measureText(strTitle);
CharSequence ch = TextUtils.commaEllipsize(strTitle, p, avail, "one more", "%d more");
but the result was absolutely not what it's supposed to be.
it was more like: Moe, Joe, Isaac, Betha...
instead of: Moe, Joe, Isaac + 3
public static CharSequence commaEllipsize (CharSequence text, TextPaint p,
float avail, String oneMore, String more)
text - the text to truncate
p - the Paint with which to measure the text
avail - the horizontal width available for the text
oneMore - the string for "1 more" in the current locale
more - the string for "%d more" in the current locale
String text = "Apple, Orange, Mango, Banana";
TextView tv = new TextView(context);
float textWidth = tv.getPaint().measureText(text );
String tempStr = TextUtils.commaEllipsize(text, tv.getPaint(), textWidth,
"1 more", "%d more");
TextView title = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.listitemThreadsTitle);
TextPaint p = title.getPaint();
String strTitle = "Moe, Joe, Isaac, Bethany, Cornelius, Charlie";
float avail = title.getMeasuredWidth();
CharSequence ch = TextUtils.commaEllipsize(strTitle, p, avail, "one more", "%d more");