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How to display a frame number on each frame of a video using ffmpeg?

The test command I have is as follows:

ffmpeg -i -vf "drawtext=fontfile=/usr/share/fonts/ttf-bitstream-vera/Vera.ttf: x=(w-tw)/2: y=h-(2*lh)-n: fontcolor=white: fontsize=40: box=1: boxcolor=0x00000000@1: text=" -an -y

I want to display the frame number on each frame. However, setting the "text" variable to "n" does not help (it displays n) and %n seems to be the new line symbol. The thing that confuses me most is that this part


works well, meaning it gets the right value of the current frame and moves the text up accordingly.


  • Ok, this feature was not there in ffmpeg, but now it is. And this is how you do it:


    Note that expansion should be set to normal, which is not the default now, but should be default in the future (according to the ffmpeg documentation).