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Display MKAnnotationView in MKMapview with custom order?

Sorry for my poor English :"> I have a question about MKMapView and MKAnnotation in MKMapkit of iOS.

I'm writing a small app named "Transport Helper". It contains a map and some annotations in that map to represent places. (Ex: bus station,...).

I added sequence of annotations (id) to that MKMapView and hope they'll appear with order I've add them. But I received result : these annotation appear top -> bottom and left -> right.

Can somebody help me custom that order ???

P.s: I very need that custom because i want display my bus stations follow bus's route :((


  • You could add timer that calls a function every 100 milliseconds and adds the next annotation to the view. If they are all added at once iOS will draw them in the order it wants to, but if you give it enough time in between it'll draw the one you give it and be ready and waiting for the next.