I know this question has been asked many times and here I am again. I want to create an app to stream video on iPhone through RTSP. My research shows me that there are apps on app store using RTSP but there's no tutorial or easy method to do it. If there is please let me know.
I've come across the idea of building webapps for mobile devices using Frameworks like Sencha. And I thought why not use html5 to build my app. But as I have no particular experience in the field I wanted to ask the experts and see if it really is possible. Can I build my RTSP player for iPhone using Sencha or any other similar framework?
I am not familiar with Senha, but we do build apps using rtsp, we have both frameworks and tutorials. I would say most if not all applications in the app store's that act as rtsp clients use ffmpeg an open source streaming library.
Players have been built using our framework http://www.streammore.tv
live 555 http://www.livemedia.com
openCV , http://www.opencv.org
here is a little tutorial to help you get started