I'm using the following script to execute a bunch .sql statements.
@echo off
ECHO %USERNAME% started the batch process at %TIME% >output.txt
for %%s in (*.sql) do (
sqlcmd.exe -S.\ -E -i "%%s" >>output.txt
However, I want to make sure the files are sorted (name) because I don't think I can guarantee that the list is in order.
No need to worry, FOR sorts (process) the files by name, but if you want another way you can sort the output file too:
@echo off
ECHO %USERNAME% started the batch process at %TIME% >output.txt
FOR %%s in ("*.sql") do (sqlcmd.exe -S.\ -E -i "%%s" >> "%TEMP%\output.txt")
TYPE "%TEMP%\output.txt" | SORT > ".\Final_Output.txt"