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How to sort the input of a batch file

I'm using the following script to execute a bunch .sql statements.

@echo off
ECHO %USERNAME% started the batch process at %TIME%  >output.txt

for %%s in (*.sql)  do (
sqlcmd.exe  -S.\ -E -i "%%s" >>output.txt

However, I want to make sure the files are sorted (name) because I don't think I can guarantee that the list is in order.


  • No need to worry, FOR sorts (process) the files by name, but if you want another way you can sort the output file too:

    @echo off
    ECHO %USERNAME% started the batch process at %TIME%  >output.txt
    FOR %%s in ("*.sql")  do (sqlcmd.exe -S.\ -E -i "%%s" >> "%TEMP%\output.txt")
    TYPE "%TEMP%\output.txt" | SORT > ".\Final_Output.txt"