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Redirect Back from uiweb view in gdata integration

I am making an application to integrate gmail to my app. I am able to login to gmail by gadata-objective c-client-1.11.0.a. I am giving the code

    NSString *scope = @""; // scope for Google+ API

    GTMOAuth2ViewControllerTouch *viewController = [[[GTMOAuth2ViewControllerTouch alloc] initWithScope:scope clientID:kMyClientID clientSecret:kMyClientSecret keychainItemName:nil delegate:self finishedSelector:@selector(viewController:finishedWithAuth:error:)] autorelease];

    NSString *html = @"<html><body><div align=center>Loading sign-in page...</div></body></html>";
   [viewController setInitialHTMLString:html];

   [self presentModalViewController:viewController animated:NO];        


now i want to redirect back to my app after google login to get the contacts of gmail. Help me how to generate taken and return back to my app after login



  • you should implement the method

    - (void)viewController:(GTMOAuth2ViewControllerTouch *)viewController
      finishedWithAuth:(GTMOAuth2Authentication *)auth
                 error:(NSError *)error {
     if (error != nil) {
      // Authentication failed
     }   else {
         // Authentication succeeded
       // here you should push your the root view controller of your app.
