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DOS- keeping portion of directory structure during xcopy?

I am a bit new to DOS batch files, and I am having a hard time wrapping my head around ways to solve my problem.

What I need to do: I have a large, nested source folder structure, let's say it lives here:


And I have a mirrored destination structure, although a portion of the root is different:


My current batch copies all files in the source structure to a destination folder, keeping the folder structure, which is what I want.

The problem:
The intention of my script is to drag a folder from the source structure above onto the bat file, and have it copy the files to the destination. What I want to do, is to allow the user to drag a folder from source dir, let's say /dir2 and all of its subfolders/files onto the batch file, and have it copy the contents over to the SAME spot in the destination structure...

So in this example, the batch file should copy everything in and below:




Fortunately (I think) my destination folder structure won't be changing, although the source might be in a different location on each machine. So, if there is a clever way to detect where in the source tree I am, and then replace a portion of the destination path... ???

Here's my simple script so far:

    @echo off
    set /p FILETYPE="What file type do you want to copy? (For example use txt, max, f3d, or * to copy all files.)"

    xcopy %1\*.%FILETYPE% c:\output /s 

Thanks so much for any help you guys can give! :) Ken

UPDATE: Adding updated code sample here because I cannot get my comment to format or allow me enough chars. The stuff below may not be completely correct, I am just trying my best to be clear. I have figured out more since I posted this, basically I need to figur out how (or if possible) to use a string after delims, it only seems to check for each character...

    @echo off
    rem user drag folder onto .bat (left click, move folder using mouse onto .bat icon)
    rem %1 in ex is C:\random_folder\another_folder\proj1\area1\scene23
    set destRoot=X:\companyname\allprojects\proj1
    set rootDir=proj1
    rem assume %1 is folder dragged onto .bat file 
    for /f "tokens=2* delims=<foldername???>" %%a in ("%1") do (
        set part1=%%a
        set chunk=%%b
    set finalDest=destRoot+chunk
    xcopy %1\* %finalDest% /E /EXCLUDE:exclusions.txt

I am hoping to create this: "X:\companyname\allprojects\proj1\area1\scene23"


  • Is the x:\dirA\dirB\ part of the destination folder known? If so, the solution is easy:

    @echo off
    rem Get current directory, ie: "C:\dir1\dir2"
    set curDir=%cd%
    rem Eliminate the disk drive, ie: "\dir1\dir2"
    set curDir=%curDir:~2%
    rem Copy to right destination, ie: "x:\dirA\dirB\dir1\dir2"
    xcopy *.%FILETYPE% "x:\dirA\dirB%curDir%"

    I hope it helps...

    EDIT: Clarification to new comments requested

    Ok. There is a source folder and a destination folder. The program above assume that the current folder for the program is source folder, but this may be provided as a parameter if needed. The program achieve the following copy processes:

    From source folder          -> To destination folder
    C:\dir1\dir2                -> x:\dirA\dirB\dir1\dir2
    C:\dir1\dir2\dir3           -> x:\dirA\dirB\dir1\dir2\dir3
    C:\dir1\dir2\dir3\what\ever -> x:\dirA\dirB\dir1\dir2\dir3\what\ever
    C:\XYZ                      -> x:\dirA\dirB\XYZ

    If this is not what you want then explain it as concise as possible (use "files", "folder", "part of name" terms, not "I like", "what if", etc), and include three or four examples.

    Also, note that for me drag a folder mean a drag&drop operation taking the source folder pressing the right button of the mouse and leave it over the icon of the Batch file. If you are NOT refering to this operation, please do NOT use "drag" term; use "copy" instead (please also clarify this point).

    EDIT: Solution to new requirements

    OK! You have not explained correctly before your last example! This problem is just about matching two names: last part of first name must match the same part in second name, and combine first name and the rest of second name. Right?:

    First name:       X:\companyname\allprojects\proj1
    Second name: C:\random_folder\another_folder\proj1\area1\scene23
    Result:           X:\companyname\allprojects\proj1\area1\scene23

    This is the solution:

    @echo off
    setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
    rem user drag folder onto .bat (left click, move folder using mouse onto .bat icon)
    rem %1 in ex is C:\random_folder\another_folder\proj1\area1\scene23
    set sourceFolder=%~1
    set destRoot=X:\companyname\allprojects\proj1
    rem Get last part of First name (destRoot) ie: lastPart=proj1
    for %%a in (%destRoot%) do set lastPart=%%~Na
    rem Delete from beginning of second name until that part, ie: result=\area1\scene23
    set result=!sourceFolder:*%lastPart%=!
    rem And insert the First name before the rest
    set result=%destRoot%%result%

    Or, combining the three steps in just one line:

    @echo off
    rem user drag folder onto .bat (left click, move folder using mouse onto .bat icon)
    rem %1 in ex is C:\random_folder\another_folder\proj1\area1\scene23
    set sourceFolder=%~1
    set destRoot=X:\companyname\allprojects\proj1
    for %%a in (%destRoot%) do set result=%destRoot%%sourceFolder:*%%~Na=%

    Please note that if destRoot may contain spaces, it must be enclosed in quotes in the FOR command: for %%a in ("%destRoot%") do ...