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Use scrollbars for the display of a continous form in Microsoft Access2007

I have a continuous form with many control elements ordered in two columns. The form is opened with the WindowMode 'acDialog'.

When I take a look at this form at my desktop computer there is no problem. But I want to use the application also on my laptop. When I open the form on my laptop, I only see the first entries, but not the others anymore. Unfortunately I havent found an opportunity to use scrollbars in my form.

What I have found is this (did not work): Add or remove scrollbars

Edit: The View should look like: Right view

but on my laptop it looks like: False view

So I want to have scrollbars. The scrollbar property is set to both directions.

Edit 20121126, the design view. The blue part is header, the txts are in the detail view and the buttons are in the footer: design view


  • This problem has stumped me before. Access is not smart enough to realize if the screen is set to a different 'zoom' than 100%. So Access is thinking that the entire form is on your screen when really it is not.

    This really only applies if you have Windows 7 and maybe 8, but I have no idea about that. If you go to your display property (right click the desktop and select 'Personalize' then Display in the lower left-hand corner of the pop-up.)

    If you are not set at 100% then access is missing 25-50% of your screen. access goes off of pixels, which is set in the resloution, but when using 125% Windows expands everything by 25% and that can push things right off the screen. The form does not need scroll bars to fit on your screen, just need to set your zoom to 100%.

    I found this out by having a 'control bar' set to be x-250 pixels from the left (where x is total left to right pixels). However one computer could never see the control bar and it was because the screen was +125%. I have never been able to figure out how to get the current 'zoom' from Windows. I have searched through all manner of API's. I hope this is the solution you were looking for! Good Luck!!