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Handle relationships in REST

I'm learning how to make a good REST API. So, suppose I have the following models:

    has title, body, publish_date
    has_many comments, authors

    has author, publish_date

So, if I call GET /post, to get all posts, how it's comments should be returned? I'm thinking in something like:

    'post/1': {
        'title': 'My first post',
        'body': 'a big body',
        'publish_date': '20121120',
        'comments': 'post/1/comments',
        'authors': 'post/1/authors'
    'post/2': {
        'title': 'Another post',
        'body': 'a REALLY BIG body',
        'publish_date': '20121121',
        'comments': 'post/2/comments',
        'authors': 'post/2/authors'

I'm also thinking in put each comments' resources direct in /post response, like

'comments': {

So, what's the best approach?


  • If each post "owns" its comments, you could simply send the comment data with the post data:

        'post/1': {
            'title': 'My first post',
            'body': 'a big body',
            'publish_date': '20121120',
            'comments': [/* comment data here */],
            'authors': 'post/1/authors'
        'post/2': {
            'title': 'Another post',
            'body': 'a REALLY BIG body',
            'publish_date': '20121121',
            'comments': [/* comment data here */],
            'authors': 'post/2/authors'

    You might want to do the same with authors. Rule of thumb: as a consumer of your API, I don't want to have to keep making API calls to get all of the relevant data. If response size/time is a concern, at least give me the option to get post-relevant fields; also consider response pagination.