I just happened to see the following way to compose a parameterized SQL query:
function select_user($uid)
// what is '<<<'?
// I can't google any document about it
// (or I don't know how to search symbol)
$sqlStr = <<< SQL_STR
SELECT * FROM user WHERE uid = ?
SQL_STR; // must put in the begin of the line
// and it must match the word at the right hand side of '= <<<'
// Code Igniter Database Class
return $this->db->query($sqlStr, array($uid));
To rephrase my questions in here:
' does?SQL_STR
' must be matched, why?What your looking for is called heredoc.
For what it's worth, the SQL query is irrelevant to the string assignment:
$html = <<<HTML
Imagine some HTML here with interspersed $variables
It's of course not limited to HTML either. It has quite a few useful properties for large blocks of text. Namely, you can interpolate variables into it in a pleasant manner, and you don't have to escape single or double quotes. (According to the manual: "Heredoc text behaves just like a double-quoted string, without the double quotes.")