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How do I theme an aggregator category in Drupal 5.x?

Yes, I am still on Drupal 5. Don't make fun.

I created a category with the Aggregator module, and the URL for the category is How do I theme this? Is it a node that can be themed with a template, or is there some other process I must use?

edit: To clarify, I want to add some text right below the header, not just theme the individual aggregator items. Sorry, I left that out at first.


  • have a look at the source (always helpful):

    voila, here is your themeing point (theme override), which can be themed with a template (or a custom theme function).

    EDIT: themeing / modifying the header seems to be difficult with standard Drupal 5. look at the source again: _aggregator_page_list() just concats all (themed) feed items, wraps them in a <div id="aggregator">, and adds pager and feed icon - nothing to hook into here. _aggregator_page_list() has a optional 3rd argument $header which would do exactly what you want - unfortunately, this argument isn't used for aggregator/categories/2. so to add some text to the header, you would have to hack aggregator.module.

    or upgrade to Drupal 6, which added a theme override for the wrapper:

    foreach ($items as $item) {
      $output .= theme('aggregator_item', $item);
    $output = theme('aggregator_wrapper', $output);


    for how to theme Drupal 5, see , template.php: Overriding other theme functions, Proper theming of aggregator module, theme() api doc, etc. etc.

    good luck!

    * and adds some category handling and wraps all the items into one or the other container