I'm trying to install GLScene into RAD Studio 2010, with the aim of using it from a mostly C++ project. I downloaded the latest snapshot (5991, November 2011) and have been trying to compile and install the two main packages: GLScene_DesignTime
and GLScene_RunTime
. I haven't even tried some of the other libraries (CUDA, etc), I just want to get the base packages running.
I've encountered a number of problems, one of which I can't solve, and I'm seeking the help of anyone on SO who has successfully installed GLScene, or might know how to solve these Delphi compiler errors.
When compiling, a number of files gave the following error:
[DCC Warning] GLSelection.pas(297): W1025 Unsupported language feature: 'abstract class method'
This is caused by a method declaration something like:
TGLBaseSelectTechnique = class
class function IsSupported: Boolean; virtual; abstract;
It seems that a virtual abstract class method is not supported in Delphi 2010, and I have solved it by removing 'abstract
' and providing a dummy implementation, e.g. just returning false
I am now encountering two more serious errors. When compiling, the compiler fails like so:
[DCC Fatal Error] Exception EAccessViolation: Access violation at address 05AE8ED9 in module 'dcc140.dll'. Read of address 00000003
[DCC Error] Catastrophic failure (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPECTED))
It doesn't say what file caused this, but I think it's caused by Spline.pas
. Occasionally and not as often, I get this:
[DCC Fatal Error] Spline.pas(1): F2084 Internal Error: AV062D8ED9-R00000003-0
This indicates Spline.pas
, and I think the first error is probably related to the file too, because after getting the first one if I then clean the project, cleaning will fail saying it could not delete Spline.hpp
. (I have to close and reopen the IDE.) Spline.hpp
just contains the following:
// CodeGear C++Builder
// Copyright (c) 1995, 2009 by Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
// All rights reserved
// (DO NOT EDIT: machine generated header) 'Spline.pas' rev: 21.00
#ifndef SplineHPP
#define SplineHPP
#pragma delphiheader begin
#pragma option push
#pragma option -w- // All warnings off
#pragma option -Vx // Zero-length empty class member functions
#pragma pack(push,8)
#include <System.hpp> // Pascal unit
#include <Sysinit.hpp> // Pascal unit
and there it stops. It looks to me like it failed when trying to generate the HPP file.
I always get one of these two failures. The second is the only one I can tie to a specific file; the first fails halfway through the project, but I can't see where it got up to when it failed. I am compiling from inside the IDE.
I've looked in Spline.pas
, and it seems pretty basic code - I can't see anything unusual at all. You can find it here, and apparently the file hasn't been touched for seven years... so I think it should compile :)
If I change the project settings so it does not generate headers, it compiles fine. (Generating just obj files, and any other of the settings that does not include "headers", all work fine.) But this isn't a good workaround for me - after all, I need to use it from C++ Builder, so my normal setting would be "Generate all C++ Builder files". At a bare minimum, I need HPP and OBJ files.
Has anyone here used GLScene in a recent version of C++ Builder? Have you encountered similar problems? Any idea how to solve this one?
I am using:
Edit: GLScene now has compatibility with RAD Studio XE3 (including C++ Builder.)
Now there is full compatibility of GLScene with Embarcadero RAD Studio C++Builder XE3 as in design and runtime mode.
You can download it from http://yadi.sk/d/o1QGI2KA10MK1 (95Mb)
-- from Pal Wassail's post on the Embarcadero forum thread.
{quote:title=David M wrote:}{quote} Hi,
I'm trying to install GLScene into RAD Studio... David
And here is more simple Test for EMB developers of Delphi XE3 header generator -
1.Create a VCL Form Application 2.Add in Unit1.pas interface section
TVector3f = array[0..2] of single;
TVector4f = array[0..3] of single;
function VectorAdd(const v : TVector3f; const f : Single) : TVector3f; overload;
function VectorAdd(const v : TVector4f; const f : Single) : TVector4f; overload;
3.Add in implementation section
function VectorAdd(const v : TVector3f; const f : Single) : TVector3f;
function VectorAdd(const v : TVector4f; const f : Single) : TVector4f;
Then Delphi XE3 compiler generates wrong header file Unit1.hpp with lines:
extern PACKAGE TVector3f __fastcall VectorAdd (float const v, const float f)/ overload */; extern PACKAGE TVector4f __fastcall VectorAdd (float const v, const float f)/ overload */;
If now you are trying to use this header file Unit1.hpp in my.cbproj you get fatal error: “E2238 Multiple declarations in …”
Yes, if you change vector array types to records:
TVector3f = record
case boolean of
true : (Coord: array[0..2] of single);
false : (X,Y,Z: single);
then the problem could be solved, because in this case Delphi compiler generates
extern PACKAGE Vectortypes::TVector3f __fastcall VectorAdd (const Vectortypes::TVector3f &v, const float f)/* overload */; extern PACKAGE Vectortypes::TVector4f __fastcall VectorAdd (const Vectortypes::TVector4f &v, const float f)/* overload */;
and you could build your C++Builder VCL application without "Multiple declaration " error. It was done for old GLScene version in 2007, but now you need to rewrite some part of code in new library, starting from VectorGeometry.pas module.