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How to write JSON string value in code?

I want to store the following string in a String variable


This is the code I use ..

String str="{"Id":"123","DateOfRegistration":"2012-10-21T00:00:00+05:30","Status":0}";

.. but it's showing error ..


  • You have to do this

    String str="{\"Id\":\"123\",\"DateOfRegistration\":\"2012-10-21T00:00:00+05:30\",\"Status\":0}";

    Please see this for reference
    Also from msdn :)

    Short Notation  UTF-16 character    Description
    \'  \u0027  allow to enter a ' in a character literal, e.g. '\''
    \"  \u0022  allow to enter a " in a string literal, e.g. "this is the double quote (\") character"
    \\  \u005c  allow to enter a \ character in a character or string literal, e.g. '\\' or "this is the backslash (\\) character"
    \0  \u0000  allow to enter the character with code 0
    \a  \u0007  alarm (usually the HW beep)
    \b  \u0008  back-space
    \f  \u000c  form-feed (next page)
    \n  \u000a  line-feed (next line)
    \r  \u000d  carriage-return (move to the beginning of the line)
    \t  \u0009  (horizontal-) tab
    \v  \u000b  vertical-tab