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Corrupt Form - Rescue or Remake?

During my work on this database application, I've apparently managed to corrupt a form in the application - attempting to save any edit to any field on the form will cause Access to crash, and for the database file to report corrupted when Access attempts to re-open it.

I've tried exporting the entire form + controls as text, then re-importing them using VB code (from Allen Browne's website) but it will not re-import without either crashing Access or telling me the form isn't import-able due to an error (no error number or description given).

The form is rather complex, hence I am hesitant to just remake it from scratch, so is there a way to save it? If I do manage to recover it, does this mean I should transfer everything to a new MDB file (in case it's a cascading failure effect)?

To be honest, I've never managed to corrupt an Access database object before, so I don't know if this is something that signals the end of that MDB file, or just something I can correct and continue as before.


  • What I ended up having to do was re-create the form, and copy element by element until I discovered that the strSupplierID combo box itself was the cause of the crashing. I re-created it from scratch, manually giving it the same properties, and replacing the VB from stored copies I cut and pasted to the clipboard. The form now works, and I removed the corrupted form, and compacted the database. Thanks for the help, everyone! :)