I have followed this article to add the product reviews into the collateral section on a product page: http://www.crearegroup-ecommerce.co.uk/blog/magento-tutorials/product-reviews-on-product-view-page.php
I have added the following code to my local.xml:
<catalog_product_view translate="label">
<reference name="content">
<block type="review/product_view_list" name="product.info.product_additional_data" as="product_review" template="review/product/view/list.phtml">
<block type="review/form" name="product.review.form" as="review_form"/>
And the following code in view.phtml:
<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('product_review') ?>
The above was added just between some other calls to getChildHtml (in the collateral section)
Issue: The reviews and form are getting added to the end of the page and not in the collateral section?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Change the reference name from content
to product.info
. When you are adding it into the content node (which is a core/text_list
block), it will automatically append it to the bottom. That is why you need to put it inside the product.info
node, and then reference it in your template.