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Magento adding a section to product-collateral via local xml not working correctly

I have followed this article to add the product reviews into the collateral section on a product page:

I have added the following code to my local.xml:

<catalog_product_view translate="label">
    <reference name="content">
       <block type="review/product_view_list" name="" as="product_review" template="review/product/view/list.phtml">
          <block type="review/form" name="" as="review_form"/>

And the following code in view.phtml:

<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('product_review') ?>

The above was added just between some other calls to getChildHtml (in the collateral section)

Issue: The reviews and form are getting added to the end of the page and not in the collateral section?

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.


  • Change the reference name from content to When you are adding it into the content node (which is a core/text_list block), it will automatically append it to the bottom. That is why you need to put it inside the node, and then reference it in your template.