I have a bunch of rar files some of which contain just the file or files and some have A directory structure
i'd like to create a bat file that can extract the rar with the directory as is & if no directory use the rar file name to create a directory & then extract to that off course handling any errors
so this cmd will output a list to a text file
C:\Program Files\WinRAR>UnRAR.exe l H:\temp\test.rar >H:\temp\test.txt
results in
UNRAR 4.20 freeware Copyright (c) 1993-2012 Alexander Roshal
Archive H:\temp\Test.rar
Name Size Packed Ratio Date Time Attr CRC Meth Ver
Test.TXT 0 0 0% 20-11-12 18:44 .....A. 00000000 m0b 2.9
1 0 0 0%
for a rar file without a directory structure and
UNRAR 4.20 freeware Copyright (c) 1993-2012 Alexander Roshal
Archive H:\temp\testDir.rar
Name Size Packed Ratio Date Time Attr CRC Meth Ver
Test.TXT 0 0 0% 20-11-12 18:44 .....A. 00000000 m0b 2.9
test 0 0 0% 20-11-12 18:45 .D..... 00000000 m0 2.0
2 0 0 0%
with a directory
I could create a perl script that will output this listing to a temp text file read it find / pattern match .D..... test if that directory exists & test if the files exits
then create another bath file to extract the files
But I was wondering if there was a simpler way?
You can start with a batch scrpit like this:
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for %%a in (*.rar) do (
UnRAR.exe l "%%a" | findstr /C:".D....." >nul
if !errorlevel!==0 (
echo File %%a contains dirs
UnRAR.exe x "%%a"
if !errorlevel!==1 (
echo File %%a does not contain dirs, extracting in %%~na
mkdir "%%~na"
UnRAR.exe x "%%a" "%%~na\"
This will execute UnRAR.exe l filename
for every *.rar
file in current dir, it then checks if it contains the string .D.....
, and it extract the rar in the current dir if the string is not found, otherwise it will create a directory with the same filename as the archive (but without the extension) and extracts the archive there. Please check if the syntax of UnRAR.exe that i've used is correct.
EDIT: this codes loops recursively through subdirectories:
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /r "%1" %%a in (*.rar) do (
UnRAR.exe l "%%a" | findstr /C:".D....." >nul
if !errorlevel!==0 (
echo File %%a contains dirs, extracting in "%%~dpa"
UnRAR.exe x "%%a" "%%~dpa"
if !errorlevel!==1 (
echo File %%a does not contain dirs, extracting in %%~dpna
mkdir "%%~na"
UnRAR.exe x "%%a" "%%~dpna\"