I have a table with a column, TotalTime that is an Integer value in seconds.
In Visual Studio / SSRS 2008 I want to display it in HH:MM:SS format.
Just use an expression that adds that number of seconds to a zero time value
=Format(DateAdd("s", Fields!TotalTime.Value, "00:00:00"), "HH:mm:ss")
If it is larger than 24 hours, then you can use the following formula that adds the days portion:
=IIF(Fields!TotalTime.Value < 86400,
Format(DateAdd("s", Fields!TotalTime.Value, "00:00:00"), "HH:mm:ss"),
Floor(Fields!TotalTime.Value / 86400) & " days, " & Format(DateAdd("s", Fields!TotalTime.Value, "00:00:00"), "HH:mm:ss"))