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Get email ID of user in SPServices

I am using SPServices (GetListItems method) to fetch some information from a sharepoint list. The list contains a "People or Group" type field which returns a numeric id and name(Display name) of the user separated by semi-colon like this "43#;John Doe". I need the email addresses of all the users in this field (in all the rows returned). Can anyone help? Thanks in advance.


  • Paul you rock :)

    From Paul's last comment I got the required thing. Its perfect. :)

    Only thing you need is to add the following to the call

    CAMLQueryOptions: "<QueryOptions><ExpandUserField>True</ExpandUserField></QueryOptions>",

    SO my example call becomes this

    $().SPServices({ operation: "GetListItems", async: false, listName: "Assignees", webURL: "",
                CAMLViewFields: "<ViewFields Properties='True'/>",
                CAMLQuery: "",
                CAMLQueryOptions: "<QueryOptions><ExpandUserField>True</ExpandUserField></QueryOptions>",
                completefunc: function (xData,Status) {
                    $(xData.responseXML).SPFilterNode("z:row").each(function () {
                        try {
                        //ows_Name1 is a field of type "People or Group" the after adding CAMLQueryOptions this field returns all the fields
                        // propeties of user i.e. Displayname,ID,email id, domain login, sip ID etc all separate by #
                            var title = $(this).attr("ows_Name1"); 
                        // Splitting the resultant string with # give you string array of all the properties. In my case email ID is at 
                        // index 3.
                            var userEmail = userText.split('#')[3];
                        // Below line is added to remove the trailing "," from email id
                            userEmail = userEmail.substring(0,userEmail.indexOf(','));
                        catch (e) {
                            alert('Exception: ' + e.message);

    Sorry Paul I have to unmark you answer and make this one answer :)