I have a List<T>
which holds entity types generated by SubSonic. Let's call this type NaughtyItem
. When the list of NaughtyItem
is bound to the ComboBox, strange things start to happen*. The ComboBox is bound one way to the collection like so:
<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Model.NaughtyCollection,Source={StaticResource ModelSource}}" Width="120" Margin="0,0,10,0" />
*The first time an item is selected, the selection changes. Once I have changed the item though, I can't select items again. I subscribed to the SelectionChanged
event, and it fires ones and that is it. I've solved the problem by creating a wrapper type
public class NaughtyWrapper
public NaughtyItem {get;set;}
My guess would be that something NaughtyItem is doing is causing the ComboBox to crash and burn. I've turned on all CLR exceptions in VisualStudio, but I don't get any interesting exceptions that would explain why the unwrapped NaughtyItems are causing issues.
Anyone come across anything like this before?
All credit goes to Nicolas Repiquet for the answer.
The entities in SubSonic have a custom implementation of Equals()
which is the cause of this problem. Deleting the custom implementation solves the issue, though I will still use my original solution of the wrapped SubSonic entities since I don't want to mess with the framework.
public override bool Equals(object obj){
NaughtyItem compare=(NaughtyItem)obj;
return compare.KeyValue()==this.KeyValue();
return base.Equals(obj);