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Lazarus Indy SSL IdHTTP

I'm trying to get Indy to work with SSL and the IdHTTP component in Lazarus installed on Ubuntu 11. I know my code is right for the http post since if I remove the https and leave it as only http it works. So I figure it's the SSL and indy's components missing Linux libraries. For window's I was use to just including the two DLL's, libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll and it worked fine.

But in linux it seems to be another story. The only code I have is the post code:

IdHttp1.Post('url', StringList, ReturnStreamList);

Like I said it works great without the https, but when I try SSL nothing happens at all. No error since I have try and except to catch but I'm not doing anything with the catching.

I do have OpenSSL installed, I also have the following installed through apt:


I went to /usr/lib and both the files and are there.

Any ideas what's missing to get SSL to work with Lazarus and Indy for IdHTTP post operations?

EDIT: Ok, after following advice below I have added the exception:

on E: EIdHTTPProtocolException do

This gives me the error Error creating SSL context.

EDIT2: I ran an strace and I have pasted the output areas where it open's the SSL libraries here:


  • This was so easy it ticks me off! ha ha

    Seems I was using the wrong method for the SSL. I had to set TidSSLioHandlerSocketOpenSSL.SSLOptions.Method to sslvSSLv23, it was on sslvSSLv2.

    Now everything works fine :)