I'm using odt file as some kind of template and Libre Office as tool to create this template. It usually works fine except one thing.
Let assume our odt file has a paragraph of text.
There is my text.
XML file may or may not look (seems random) like this (messy, not very good thing for for parsing or as a template):
<text:p text:style-name="P7">There is</text:p><text:p text:style-name="P7"> my text<text:p text:style-name="P7">.</text:p></text:p>
Sometimes it's (again seems random) like this (expected result, makes sense after all):
<text:p text:style-name="P7">There is my text.</text:p>
Is there any way to get rid superfluous xml tags? Or at least can user see a raw document in LibreOffice/OpenOffice to manually remove redundancy?
The key is to provide easy tool for a user, to detect and fix artefacts like this.
Have you tried Ctrl-M? If all formatting is defined in styles and style formatting is not manually overridden, it should not disturb the formatting but should remove redundant tags.
A tedious user process would be to cut and paste-special as text and apply style again.
Finally, a macro would definitely do the trick.