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Get notified when NSTextField resigns first-responder status without subclassing

I have an NSTextField which I add to the view hierarchy of my custom view and set the position for when the user clicks inside that custom view.

If the text field resigns first-responder status, e.g. because the user has clicked inside another NSTextField in the window, I need to fetch its value and remove it from the view hierarchy again.

How can my custom view get notified of the NSTextField it owns resigning first-responder status without having to subclass this text field just for this single purpose?

The NSTextFieldDelegate method control:textShouldEndEditing: won't do because it only gets called when the user actually edited something in the text field. I also need to hide the text field if the user didn't make any edits in it.


  • NSTextField losing focus can be caught by :

    - (void)controlTextDidEndEditing:(NSNotification *)aNotification