Hey I'm new to Flash AS 3.0 and I am having trouble with creating instances of classes and want to Control them using a single function for all of them.
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.*;
stage.addEventListener (KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, movestuff);
var newsymbol:MovieClip;
newsymbol = new Symbol1;
newsymbol.x = 200
newsymbol.y = 200
function movestuff (event:KeyboardEvent):void
newsymbol.x + 100
Symbol1 is a class from the library that I am trying to move, and I want to add multiple instances of it but control all of them using the function movestuff
Keep the instances in an array:
var penguinArray:Array = [];
function addPenguin(){
var newPenguin:Penguin = new Penguin();
//do stuff
function moveStuff(){
for(var i in penguinArray){
penguinArray[i].x += 10;