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Zipping everything in directory with 7z except one file or one file type

i'd like to zip everything except one file

7z a -tzip *

this will zip all the files in my current directory.. is there a way I can tell it to not zip one file or one file type ?


  • Per the 7za command-line help, you use the -x switch to do this:

    -x[r[-|0]]]{@listfile|!wildcard}: eXclude filenames

    To exclude the file foo.txt you would add:


    To exclude all .html files (*.html) you would add:


    You can add multiple -x entries to exclude multiple filenames and/or wildcards in one zip command. Adding the following will exclude foo.txt and *.html:

    -x!foo.txt -x!*.html

    So with your example, this would add all files to EXCEPT files named "FILENAME" or that matched the *.extension wildcard:

    7z a -tzip * -x!FILENAME -x!*.extension