Assume we need to call fortran function, which returns some values, in python program. I found out that rewriting fortran code in such way:
subroutine pow2(in_x, out_x)
implicit none
real, intent(in) :: in_x
!f2py real, intent(in, out) :: out_x
real, intent(out) :: out_x
out_x = in_x ** 2
and calling it in python in such way:
import modulename
a = 2.0
b = 0.0
b = modulename.pow2(a, b)
gives us working result. Can I call fortran function in other way, cause I think the first way is a bit clumsy?
I think you just need to change your f2py function signature slightly (so that out_x
is only intent(out)
and in_x
is only intent(in)
subroutine pow2(in_x, out_x)
implicit none
real, intent(in) :: in_x
!f2py real, intent(in) :: in_x
real, intent(out) :: out_x
!f2py real, intent(out) :: out_x
out_x = in_x ** 2
end subroutine pow2
Now compile:
f2py -m test -c test.f90
Now run:
>>> import test
>>> test.pow2(3) #only need to pass intent(in) parameters :-)
Note that in this case, f2py
is able to correctly scan the signature of the function without the special !f2py
subroutine pow2(in_x, out_x)
implicit none
real, intent(in) :: in_x
real, intent(out) :: out_x
out_x = in_x ** 2
end subroutine pow2
f2py -m test2 -c test2.f90
>>> import test2
>>> test2.pow2(3) #only need to pass intent(in) parameters :-)