I have context in a dict:
### settings.py. ###
CONTEXT = {'a':'b'}
And two templates that use that context t1.html and t2.html:
### t1.html ###
{{ a }}
### t2.html ###
{{ a }}
Both are meant to be included inside many other templates as:
### includer.html ###
{{ include 't1.html' }}
How can can I pass CONTEXT to t1.html and t2.html only:
automatically, that is, whenever t1.html and t2.html templates are used, I don't have to manually append settings.CONTEXT to the view's context as in:
### views.py ###
import settings
from django.shortcuts import render
def view1(request):
return render(
dict( {'c':'d'}.items() + settings.CONTEXT.items())
possible solutions:
Sounds like you want use an inclusion tag
where you can set or import the desired context simply in your tag.