I have developed an app in the in-house, enterprise mode. While testing i was using the iPad provided to me by my company. I tested on it. I had certificates from developer member center. Tested just fine.
Now I have deployed the files on our secure server.I have a link where the ".ipa" files are present. So i used my same testing iPad and downloaded the app from that link via safari on the iPad. It installed and ran successfully. Now i gave that link to another member of my team and he has his own iPad. When he clicks that link it starts installing but it doesn't finish.He gets an error.The error he gets is
"Unable to download Application.XYZ app could not be installed at this time. Done .Retry."
Same thing with another iPad. These iPads are NOT registered under testing on member center. So i have a thought. Since while testing i had certificates and all on my testing iPad, it might have recognized it and installed it.But the other completely new iPads are not identified. So how do i do it?How can i say my app that it is safe to install on so-so iPad that belongs to my co-worker. If i am not clear please ask.Thanks.
bobnoble is correct. You need to have an Enterprise Distribution certificate to use with this. Development certs are similar to ad-hoc certs in that you need to individual identify the device UDID's that will be used.
We do a lot of work with enterprise customers and I never use the development certs, mainly just to cut down on the confusion. It might be a problem if one of our devs goes rouge :), but it is a chance we are willing to take.