I have a sentence with a uniform structure that I would like to use regex to pick out certain words from the sentence. For example the sentence structure is as follows:
["Take the"] + [train] + ["bound train to"] + [stop]
where words in quotes are hard coded and words without quotes are variable. For example, based on that sentence structure, the following sentences are applicable:
- Take the L bound train to 1st street.
- Take the 1 bound train to neverland.
I need help coming up with a regex pattern that would match against this and allow me to parse out the [train] and [stop]. My regex kunfu is weak, and I could use some help.
Very simple regexp: '^Take the (.*) bound train to (.*)\.$'
that stores [train]
in the first capture group and [stop]
in the second.
^ # Match the start of the string
Take the # Match the literal string
(.*) # Capture the [train]
bound train to # Match the literal string
(.*) # Capture the [stop]
\. # Match the fullstop
$ # Match the end of string