Since I started using R< not long ago, I've found this site very useful in helping me build my scripts. I have yet again came across a challenge for which I can't seem to find an answer anywhere. Here is my problem: In my data I have a column which contains a different URL in each row. In each of those URL's there is a particular piece of information I want to extract. Currently I do it in excel because I've been told it's impossible to do in R and that no function exists to do it.
The URL will look like this example format and it will be found in the "source" column
The part of the URL that is of importance to me is the "utm_source=ADX" bit .My data looks something like this:
User / Source
1 /
2 /
3 /
What I need to do is to capture the utm_source from the URL and transpose the information into a different column, example below:
User / Source / utm_source
1 / googleclick / ADX&ID56789
2 / googleclick / ADW&ID56009
3 / googleclick / ADWords&ID53389
So in essence I need R to search in the entire dataframe for the value "utm_source=" and once it has found them, I want it to transpose the "utm_source=" value into a column name and to copy all the information that comes after "=" in a that column for each individual row. I know that "grep" is a function that locates a specific piece of information in the datafreme , for example data <- total[grepl("utm_source", total$Source), ]. This will give me all the rows that contain the word "utm_source" but what I need is the information that comes after " utm_source". Usually my data can have as many as 500.000 rows. At the moment I use the excel function "text to columns" for this, and I basically split the URL's into little bits and keep the columns that I need, but this can be a very messy and lengthy process.
Is there a way to modify the grepl function to meet the criteria I need?
Nothing is impossible.
x <- read.csv(text="
User, Source
", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
First, use strsplit
strsplit(x$Source, split="\\?utm_source=")
[1] "" "ADX&ID56789"
[1] "" "ADW&ID56009"
[1] "" "ADWords&ID53389"
Then find a red-hot poker and stick in the eye of your so-called advisor.
As suggested by Paul Hiemstra, you can also use a regular expression directly:
gsub(".*\\?utm_source=", "", x$Source)
[1] "ADX&ID56789" "ADW&ID56009" "ADWords&ID53389"