I have two tables, one for keep track on chat statistics, and one for keeping track on mail statistics.
My current queries are looking like this:
SELECT COUNT(id) as chat_amount, DATE_FORMAT(timestamp, '%b %e') as period FROM tblChats WHERE timestamp BETWEEN '{$start}' AND '{$end}' AND UserID = 0 GROUP BY DAY(timestamp) DESC, MONTH(timestamp) DESC, YEAR(timestamp) DESC
SELECT COUNT(id) as mail_amount, DATE_FORMAT(timestamp, '%b %e') as period FROM tblMails WHERE timestamp BETWEEN '{$start}' AND '{$end}' AND UserID = 0 GROUP BY DAY(timestamp) DESC, MONTH(timestamp) DESC, YEAR(timestamp) DESC
I would like to merch these two queries in to one so that the returned data is presented like this:
Array (
[0] => Array (
[period] => 2012-11-09
[chat_amount] => 1500
[mail_amount] => 100
[1] => Array (
[period] => 2012-11-08
[chat_amount] => 500
[mail_amount] => 350
[2] => Array (
[period] => 2012-11-07
[chat_amount] => 2000
[mail_amount] => 1300
[3] => Array (
[period] => 2012-11-06
[chat_amount] => 1000
[mail_amount] => 970
How can i achieve something like this? Thank you in advance.
While Saharsh's answer appears to give you the results in the format you want - it's a very expensive query.
Since you've cited your expected output as a serialized PHP array, this implies that you're using PHP to process the data. A much more efficient approach is to use the following query then merge the data into a PHP array:
SELECT rtype, DATE_FORMAT(iperiod, '%b %e') AS period, amount
(SELECT 'chat' AS rtype,
COUNT(id) as amount,
DATE(timestamp) as iperiod
FROM tblChats
WHERE timestamp BETWEEN '{$start}' AND '{$end}'
AND UserID = 0
GROUP BY DATE(timestamp)
SELECT 'mail' as rtype,
COUNT(id) as mail_amount,
DATE(timestamp) as iperiod
FROM tblMails
WHERE timestamp BETWEEN '{$start}' AND '{$end}'
AND UserID = 0
GROUP BY DATE(timestamp)) ilv
BTW: DATE_FORMAT(timestamp, '%b %e') will not produce '2012-11-09', and does the DESC modifier work on a GROUP BY expression?