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How to define <welcome-file-list> and <error-page> in servlet 3.0's web.xml-less?

I have existing web-app which I want to convert into web.xml-less of servlet's 3.0. I've managed to make it working, however there are 2 tags in web.xml which I still don't know the equivalent code in web.xml-less environment.



Any help is appreciated


  • In Servlets 3.0 you don't need a web.xml for many cases, however, sometimes it's required or just useful. Your case is just one of them - there is no special annotations to define welcome-file list or error-pages.

    Another thing is - would you really like to have them hardcoded? There are some valid use-cases for annotation / programmatic based configuration and for declarative configuration in XML. Moving to Servlets 3.0 doesn't necessarily means getting rid of web.xml at all cost.

    I would find the entries you posted a better example of configuration in XML. Firstly - they can be changed from deployment to deployment and secondly - they affect whole application and not any particular Servlet.