In QLineEdit objects I can set a RegExp validator like this:
validator = QtGui.QRegExpValidator(QtCore.QRegExp("\d{11}"), lineedit)
How can I set a similar validator when I edit a cell on a QTableView?
By subclassing QStyledItemDelegate and reimplementing the createEditor method:
class ValidatedItemDelegate(QtGui.QStyledItemDelegate):
def createEditor(self, widget, option, index):
if not index.isValid():
return 0
if index.column() == 0: #only on the cells in the first column
editor = QtGui.QLineEdit(widget)
validator = QtGui.QRegExpValidator(QtCore.QRegExp("\d{11}"), editor)
return editor
return super(ValidatedItemDelegate, self).createEditor(widget, option, index)
Then you can set the validator like this: