I'm stuck at a Segmentation fault after inserting about 8 million records in a TC Hash Database. After everything is inserted I close the DB but I caught a Segmentation Fault at this part of the code (tchdb.c):
static void tchdbsetflag(TCHDB *hdb, int flag, bool sign){
char *fp = (char *)hdb->map + HDBFLAGSOFF;
*fp |= (uint8_t)flag; //SEGFAULT HERE!
} else {
*fp &= ~(uint8_t)flag;
hdb->flags = *fp;
More especifically at the commented line.
The DB was opened like this:
tchdbopen(hdb, db_file, HDBOWRITER | HDBOCREAT))
The DB is tunned with:
tchdbtune(hdb, 25000000, -1, -1, HDBTLARGE);
tchdbsetcache(hdb, 100000);
The .tch file is about 2GB (2147483647 bytes). The interesting thing is that it is only happening when I insert around 8 million records. With 2 or 3 millions the DB closes all right. Inserting 8 million records takes around 3 hours because I read data from text files.
Any ideas?
Just solved the problem. I'm on a 32bits system and TC can only handle databases up to 2GB in such systems. The solution is building TC with the "--enable-off64" option. Something like this:
./configure --enable-off64
make install