I'm using Backbone.ModelBinder in a Backbone.js Marionette project. I've a scenario which I can't work out how to use ModelBinder to automatically update my model/UI.
My model has a 'status' string attribute, with multiple states. In this example I'll show the code for two: 'soon', 'someday'
In my UI I have a list on which I use click events to set the model status, and update classes to highlight the relevant link in the UI.
<dd id="status-soon"><a>Soon</a></dd>
<dd id="status-someday" class="active"><a>Someday</a></dd>
events: {
'click #status-soon': 'setStatusSoon',
'click #status-someday': 'setStatusSomeday'
setStatusSoon: function () {
this.model.set('status', 'soon');
this.$el.find('.status dd').removeClass('active');
... etc
It feels like I doing this a long-winded and clunky way! The code bloat increases with the number of states I need to support. What's the best way of achieving the same outcome with ModelBinder?
You could probably simplify things with a data attribute, something like this:
<dd data-status="soon" class="set-status"><a>Soon</a></dd>
<dd data-status="someday" class="set-status active"><a>Someday</a></dd>
and then:
events: {
'click .set-status': 'setStatus'
setStatus: function(ev) {
var $target = $(ev.target);
var status = $target.data('status');
this.model.set('status', status);
this.$el.find('.status dd.set-status').removeClass('active');
You might not need the set-status
class, just keying things on the <dd>
s might be sufficient; I prefer separating my event handling from the nitty gritty element details though.