I have been following this guide to load my menu configuration and i think it is very nice and clean way to load the menu.
My question is simple, is there a way to load your ACL configuration on the same way with a config array and some kinda of factory?
If there isn't, how do i load a ACL configuration and use with that menu in a easy way?
Edit: This is a very good blog post on why use modules that is already done and not make your own, http://hounddog.github.com/blog/there-is-a-module-for-that/
ZF2 contains ACL and also RBAC (role based ACL - might be in ZF2.1), but to put it in place, easier is to use module which you can plug into your application. BjyAuthorize seems to me a bit bloated, you have to use ZfcUser module. I prefer ZfcRbac, the ACL rules are based on user roles (group) and their access to controller, action or route. Configuration stored in one config file, really easy to implement.