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How to check if form is open, if open close form?

How do I check if a form is open, and if it is open to close the form?

I tried the following, testing out some code but it keep saying the form is not open even when I know it is:

 foreach(Form a in Application.OpenForms) 
     if (a is YouLikeHits_Settings) 
         // About form is open
         MessageBox.Show("form open");
     // About form is not open...
     MessageBox.Show("form not open");


  • Application.OpenForms contains opened forms. If form in this collection, then it is opened. Otherwise it is not opened (possibly closed).

    if (Application.OpenForms.OfType<YouLikeHits_Settings>().Any())
        MessageBox.Show("Form is opened");
        MessageBox.Show("Form is not opened");