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How to deploy a Rails app to a VPS (or dedicated server)?

How can I deploy a Rails app to a VPS (virtual private server) or a dedicated server? It would be nice to have an easy to follow guide.

I know about scripts to automate the process, but I think it's better to have everything under control, in order to understand better the process.


  • I have successfully deployed a heavy Rails application to Linode or Digital Ocean, using these technologies:

    • rbenv for Ruby installation
    • nginx + Passenger for the application server
    • PostgreSQL for the database server
    • Capistrano to automate deploys (configure this first on your dev machine with your server IP and settings, I will not cover it here)

    These are the steps that work for me:

    Setting up the virtual machine

    Create a new virtual machine

    Follow the setup instructions of your hosting, being Linode or Digital Ocean, to create the node and set it up.

    Set up date

    • dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

    Update packages

    • apt-get update
    • apt-get upgrade


    Create user

    • adduser deploy
    • usermod -a -G sudo deploy
    • logout

    Set up SSH key-authentication

    On local:

    • ssh-keygen
    • copy the public key:
      • scp ~/.ssh/

    On the server:

    • ssh
    • enable the alias to list files:
      • vim ~/.bashrc
      • uncomment all aliases
    • mkdir .ssh
    • mv .ssh/authorized_keys
    • chown -R deploy:deploy .ssh
    • chmod 700 .ssh
    • chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys
    • logout (test the new authentication)

    Set up SSH

    • sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    • Switch PermitRootLogin to no
    • sudo service ssh restart

    Set up firewall

    Set up fail2ban

    Set up if you have enough free memory, as it tends to eat it.

    • sudo apt-get install -y fail2ban

    Setup Ruby

    Install Git

    • sudo apt-get install -y git

    Install rbenv

    Install Ruby

    • sudo apt-get install -y curl gnupg build-essential
    • rbenv install -l (look for the latest version)
    • rbenv install 2.3.3 (or the latest available version at this moment)
    • rbenv global 2.3.3
    • rbenv rehash
    • vim .gemrc
      • Paste this: gem: --no-document

    Setup servers

    Install nginx + Passenger

    Install PostgreSQL

    Setup libraries

    Install node.js

    Needed to pre-compile assets.

    • sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

    Install bundler

    • get install bundler
    • rbenv rehash

    Setup the application

    Create the user in PostgreSQL

    • createuser username --pwprompt
    • createdb -Ousername -Eutf8 db_name
    • Test it:
      • psql db_name --user username --password

    Deploy the code * On the server: * sudo mkdir -p /srv/ * sudo chown deploy:deploy /srv/ * On your dev machine: * bundle exec cap production deploy:check (it will throw an error because it doesn't find the database) * On the server: * cd /srv/ * vim database.yml (paste your database config) * vim secrets.yml (paste your secrets config) * On your dev machine: * bundle exec cap production deploy * bundle exec cap production whenever:update_crontab

    Configure logrotate