I use this DQL to get some data but i get an error when using doctrine2 paginator:
SELECT f FROM DankeForumBundle:Forumusermessage f
WHERE f.recipientdelete=0
GROUP BY f.forwarder
HAVING f.recipient=:recipient
This is because doctrine executes this query to count pages:
SELECT count(DISTINCT f.id) FROM Forumusermessage AS f
WHERE f.recipientdelete=0
GROUP BY f.forwarder_id
HAVING f.recipient_id=:recipient
Is there any way to paginate this without using native SQL queries?
This is an example PHP code:
$query = $this->getEntityManager()->createQuery('SELECT f FROM DankeForumBundle:Forumusermessage f
WHERE f.recipientdelete=0
GROUP BY f.forwarder
HAVING f.recipient=:recipient');
$query->setParameter('recipient', $user);
$paginator = new \Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Pagination\Paginator($query);
echo count($paginator); // wrong page count
I found an workaround using subqueries:
SELECT f FROM DankeForumBundle:Forumusermessage f
f.recipientdelete=0 AND
AND f.id IN (
SELECT fn FROM DankeForumBundle:Forumusermessage fn
GROUP BY fn.forwarder