I'm playing around with Julius Guzy's sample code for creating a document based application that can save text files. I ran his code and it works perfectly and the app runs/save files (All in the latest version of Xcode. Though Guzy's sample code compiles using the 10.6 SDK). I'm trying to learn from it and rewrite the code. I have everything in order to compile the app but for the strangest thing in MyDocument.m. I am unable to run it.
@synthesize nsTextViewObj;
Xcode is giving me this error, which I don't really understand it.
Existing ivar 'nsTextViewObj' for property 'nsTextViewObj' with assign attribute must be __unsafe_unretained
nsTextViewObj; is suppose to be linked to the "File Owners" in IB. I did that in the first place. It beats me why I'm getting that error. SDK conflicts maybe? How can I fix this?
ARC requires some changes to the code. Xcode provides a tool to automatically convert non-ARC code to ARC: Edit / Refactor / Convert to Objective-C ARC…
The Xcode tool is a good start, still I would recommend you to read Transitioning to ARC Release Notes.
I don't know Julius Guzy's code, but probably you should change it to something like:
@interface ifc_name : NSWindowController {
NSTextView *__unsafe_unretained nsTextViewObject;
@property (unsafe_unretained) NSTextView *nsTextViewObject;
As the name implies, unsafe_unretained
is not safe: when the object is deallocated, your reference is invalid. If you are deploying only to iOS 5 or higher, and OS-X 10.7 or higher, you can use weak
instead. With weak
your reference will become zero when the object is deallocated.