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Finding all paths in directed graph with specific cost

Suppose we have the directed, weighted graph. Our task is to find all paths beetween two vertices (source and destination) which cost is less or equal =< N. We visit every vertex only once. In later version I'd like to add a condition that the source can be the destination (we just make a loop).

I think it can be done with modified Dijkstra's algorithm, but I have no idea how implement such thing. Thanks for any help.


  • You could use recursive backtracking to solve this problem. Terminate your recursion when:

    • You get to the destination
    • You visit a node that was already visited
    • Your path length exceeds N.


    list curpath := {}
    int dest, maxlen
    def findPaths (curNode, dist):
        if curNode = dest:
            print curpath
        if curNode is marked:
        if dist > maxlen:
        add curNode to curpath
        mark curNode
        for nextNode, edgeDist adjacent to curNode:
            findPaths(nextNode, dist + edgeDist)
        remove last element of curpath