Suppose we have the directed, weighted graph. Our task is to find all paths beetween two vertices (source and destination) which cost is less or equal =< N. We visit every vertex only once. In later version I'd like to add a condition that the source can be the destination (we just make a loop).
I think it can be done with modified Dijkstra's algorithm, but I have no idea how implement such thing. Thanks for any help.
You could use recursive backtracking to solve this problem. Terminate your recursion when:
list curpath := {}
int dest, maxlen
def findPaths (curNode, dist):
if curNode = dest:
print curpath
if curNode is marked:
if dist > maxlen:
add curNode to curpath
mark curNode
for nextNode, edgeDist adjacent to curNode:
findPaths(nextNode, dist + edgeDist)
remove last element of curpath