I have some data table, imported from a text file.
Then I am using describe(table)
function from psych
It returns variances, means and so on for each variable, including booleans, which are although marked with asterisk symbol.
age 1 5000 66.65 6.65 67.00 66.88 7.41 44.00 79.00 35.00 -0.33 -0.39 0.13
smokes* 2 5000 1.39 0.49 1.00 1.36 0.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 0.47 -1.78 0.01
How to exclude boolean variables from output of describe
First, it is not a good idea to name an object table
since this is the name of a very basic function in R.
It is not possible to exclude the statistics based on logical vectors from the object returned by describe
, since both logical vectors and factors are indicated by an *
. A solution is to exclude all logical columns from the object passed to describe
For your data frame table
describe(table[ , !sapply(table, is.logical)])