I can't seem to get the indices of UnseenTestdata and Testdata from fulldata in the example below, can anyone help?
pointsToPick = 49402; %# Numbers to pick
rVec = randperm(494021); %# Random permutation of datapoint indices (N=494021 in this case)
UnseenTestdata = fulldata(rVec(1:pointsToPick),:); %# Random sample
Testdata = fulldata(rVec((pointsToPick+1):length(rVec)),:);
I need to have a list of the row numbers from fulldata that unseentestdata came from and the same with testdata. This relates to a previous question here, without the indices I cant figure out which classlabels go with the unseentestdata and the testdata.
If you don't want to use rVec(1:pointsToPick)
which already stores the indices as @Tobold said, the other way is
[~,indx_uns]=ismember(UnseenTestdata, fulldata, 'rows');
[~,indx_test]=ismember(Testdata, fulldata, 'rows');
Note that the first return parameter is not used (thus marked by ~
gives the corresponding row of fulldata to the n-th row of UnseenTestdata.
Moreover here is a link to the related SO question.
For more help on ismember: see this link