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Implementing Sharekit from a button instead of a toolbar

I am new to both sharekit and ios development. Would like to have some help in implementing sharekit from a button instead of a toolbar..

For example, I sharing an link:

- (IBAction) btnShareClicked :(id)sender;
    SHKItem *item = [SHKItem URL:webView.request.URL title:[webView pageTitle]];
    SHKActionSheet *actionSheet = [SHKActionSheet actionSheetForItem:item];
    [actionSheet showFromToolbar:self.navigationController.toolbar];

How do change this example code to include the button instead of a toolbar.. Need some guidance.. Sorry if it is a stupid question...


  • - (IBAction) btnShareClicked :(id)sender;
         NSString *text = @"Hello";
        SHKItem *item = [SHKItem text:text];
        SHKActionSheet *actionSheet = [SHKActionSheet actionSheetForItem:item];  
        [actionSheet showInView:self.view];