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how to compare two textbox.text is greater than other textbox.text with error provider?

I put two textbox in user control in C# winform.txtFrom and txtTo. I want to compare two textbox.text and if txtTo is less than txtFrom , error provider are shown. how do I do?


  • You don't compare something with error provider. Error provider only shows that control has an error associated with control.

    • Add ErrorProvider component to your form
    • Compare txtFrom.Text and txtTo.Text (e.g. during Validating event)
    • If text is less (I don't know what less means for you), then call errorProvider1.SetError(txtTo, "Text is less than txtFrom"), otherwise call errorProvider1.SetError(txtTo, "")

    How to do comparison:

    errorProvider1.SetError(txtFrom, "");
    errorProvider1.SetError(txtTo, "");
    int fromValue;
    int toValue;
    if (!Int32.TryParse(txtFrom.Text, out fromValue)
        errorProvider1.SetError(txtFrom, "Integer number required");
    if (!Int32.TryParse(txtTo.Text, out toValue)
        errorProvider1.SetError(txtTo, "Integer number required");
    if (toValue < fromValue)
        errorProvider1.SetError(txtTo, "To is less than From");

    Consider also using NumericUpDown control to avoid text parsing stuff.