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How to represent many similar attributes of an entity in a database?

Let's say I'm building a website about cars. The car entity has a lot of enum-like attributes:

  • transmission (manual/automatic)
  • fuel (gasoline/diesel/bioethanol/electric)
  • body style (coupe/sedan/convertible/...)
  • air conditioning (none/simple/dual-zone)
  • exterior color (black/white/gray/blue/green/...)
  • interior color (black/white/gray/blue/green/...)
  • etc.

The list of these attributes is likely to change in the future. What is the optimal way to model them in the database? I can think of the following options but can't really decide:

  • use fields in the car table with enum values
    • hard to add more columns later, probably the fastest
  • use fields in the car table that are foreign keys referencing a lookup table
    • hard to add more colums later, somewhat slower
  • create separate tables for each of those attributes that store the possible values and another table to store the connection between the car and the attribute value
    • easy to add more possible values later, even slower, seems to be too complicated


  • Depending upon the number of queries and size of the databases you could either:

    1. Make wide tables
    2. Make an attibutes table and a car_attributes table where: cars -> car_attributes -> attributes

    #1 will make faster, easier queries due to less joins, but #2 is more flexible