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jclouds: how to supply own KeyStore when creating BlobStoreContext

I have a private blob store (swift) with a self-signed certificate.

I want to use this store with jclouds. Now, the following works:

Properties overrides = new Properties();
overrides.setProperty(Constants.PROPERTY_ENDPOINT, "");
overrides.setProperty(Constants.PROPERTY_TRUST_ALL_CERTS, "true");
overrides.setProperty(Constants.PROPERTY_RELAX_HOSTNAME, "true");

BlobStoreContext context = new BlobStoreContextFactory().createContext("swift", 
    userCredentials.getIdent(), userCredentials.getSecret(), 
    ImmutableSet.<Module> of(), overrides);

However, since I have the certificate, is there a way to make this more secure and tell jclouds to use that particular certificate rather than trust any?

I do know how to get the certificate loaded into a Certificate object and I also know how to create a KeyStore object with the certificate.

My question is: How do I get jclouds to use my Certificate or KeyStore for certificate validation?


  • Right now, jclouds doesn't provide this hook, so you'd have to modify the JRE keystore. feel free to add a feature request for this here: