I'm trying figure out how to pass a statement as a method argument - to be used as part of the block filter criteria. For example, I have the following code:
def method
other_method.persons.each do |ped|
next if ped.first_name.nil? or ped.last_name.nil?
puts ped.id
puts ped.full_name
What I'd like to be able to do is as follows (so I can potentially change the filter criteria used in the method). Is it possible to pass a statement including the block reference to the block from a argument?:
def method(statement)
other_method.persons.each do |ped|
next if statement
puts ped.id
puts ped.full_name
I appreciate some direction on this.
Ped = Struct.new(:first_name, :last_name, :full_name, :id)
# generate some test data
peds = ['Bob', 'Hope', 'Bob Hope', 1, 'Bing', nil, 'Bing Crosby', 2, nil, 'Bacon', 'Kevin Bacon', 3].each_slice(4).map{ |x,y,z,id| Ped.new(x,y,z,id) }
filter_criteria = lambda { |ped| ped.first_name.nil? or ped.last_name.nil? }
peds.find_all(&filter_criteria).each { |ped| p ped }
#<struct Ped first_name="Bing", last_name=nil, full_name="Bing Crosby", id=2>
#<struct Ped first_name=nil, last_name="Bacon", full_name="Kevin Bacon", id=3>
Change out filter_criteria with another Proc/lambda to change the filtering. An alternative is to wrap the find_all in a method to take a filtering block like this:
def filter list, &criteria
filter(pedlist) { |ped| some filter criteria }.each { |ped| do something }
and the resulting enumerable can then be used as needed.