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VBS issue with SendKeys when tried to get a value and save on Dim variable

I need some help with a VBS script. I want use a VBS script to access a router via telnet and save the value of a parameter on the router to a Dim variable.

The problem is that the DIM variable doesn´t save the output of the router parameter.

This is my script:

option explicit


Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") "cmd.exe"

WScript.Sleep 500

oShell.SendKeys "telnet"
oShell.SendKeys ("{Enter}")

WScript.Sleep 500

oShell.SendKeys "Administrator"
oShell.SendKeys ("{Enter}")

WScript.Sleep 500

oShell.SendKeys ""
oShell.SendKeys ("{Enter}")

WScript.Sleep 500

x = oShell.SendKeys ("env get var=_SW_FLAG") and oShell.SendKeys ("{Enter}") 

WScript.Sleep 500

oShell.SendKeys "exit"
oShell.SendKeys ("{Enter}")

WScript.Sleep 500

oShell.SendKeys "exit"
oShell.SendKeys ("{Enter}")

WScript.Sleep 500

MsgBox "The value of the parameter is:" & x


  • Threads like this make me think that the particular detail of getting the output is not possible with the approach you have.

    The closest I could get is this previously asked question: vbs to log (.txt) telnet output