Is it possible to shim a static property in a static class using Microsoft Fakes framework?
If not, Why would a stub work, but not a shim?
Here is my class code:
public static class Globals
public static List<string> greatStations = new List<string>();
Here is my test code:
public void TestMethod1()
using (ShimsContext.Create())
var shim = new Fakes.ShimGlobals { };
Fakes.StubGlobals.greatStations = new List<string>();
// Next line complains that ShimGlobals does not contain a definition for 'greatStations'
Fakes.ShimGlobals.greatStations = new List<string>();
With Fakes, you can stub virtual properties and methods (of classes and interfaces). You can shim non-virtual properties and methods (instance and static). Fields don't need to be shimmed or stubbed because they can be set directly, as shown below.
Globals.greatStations = new List<string>();